Head of School
At RBCS, we pride ourselves on supporting the needs of the whole child. All individuals grow, comprehend, and develop differently. Most educators would agree, “With the right motivation, students will achieve their personal goals.”1
We understand that learning environments supportive of character education promote positive social interactions, active learning, recognition of the differences in one another such as race, culture, and handicaps, as well as develop intrinsic motivation. Support for character education and social/emotional learning is embedded in all we do. Students learn through daily activities such as Morning Meeting, community events, extracurricular activities, and recognitions such as Charter Champion.
Thank you for visiting our website. Within the various tabs, you will find a wealth of information pertaining to our school. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call or email. We are always willing to assist!
Kristen Martello, Ed.D.
Head of School
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1 Silver, D. (2011, p. 1). Using the zone to help reach every learner . Kappa Delta PI Record.